Creating Content Consistently for Your Small Business

Getting the word out about your small business on the Internet is no simple task! It not only involves setting up a website and a social media presence, it involves paying a great deal of attention to your content. 

So how can you be consistent with creating and posting content, while you are pulled in so many different directions as a small business owner??

As a small business owner, I create social media content for my own marketing business while creating videos and teaching live classes. I also create content for my clients and other projects I have going on. For myself, I like to create my content in batches. When I make instructional videos, I will record 10 at a time. This helps me be consistent in my work and also manage my time.
Content batching is a way to help you create consistent content that you want to get out there. For instance, if you need to create images for social media, create 20 at a time and not just one image. Create all the images that go with a certain topic - this will result in a consistent look and message.
But, if you are releasing one post at a time, most likely you are over-analyzing the post or posting it quickly to get it out there. And, you might not get the results you are looking for.
Remember - getting the post completed and out there matters, but getting desired results matter more!
Batching requires you to create a plan. You want to figure out how much content you have to work with. Then set aside a block of time to pen blogs, create images, or record videos - all at once. Next, use a scheduling software to organize your social media posts and schedule them on a calendar for when they need to be released.
Here's a tip - figure out how much content you have to batch, then create it at one time, and schedule it out.
You can actually create content that can be used for more than one purpose to maximize your results!
Do you want to create effective marketing content for your business?  We've got an article that will help you determine what to focus in on.  Why You Should Spend More Time Developing Your Small Business Brand

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