Getting Started Going Live on Social Media Platforms

Over the past several years, live video has proven to be an effective way for small businesses to communicate with their current audience and grow their business. Let's discuss how going live on social media can help grow your small business.

There is no right way to go live

If the thought of going live on social media for others to watch is intimidating, you're not alone.  Most people, or in our case, small business owners, are hesitant to make a live video on Facebook or another platform due to technical issues that might pop up.  A whole list of “what ifs” can occur, for example, what if no one is watching, what will I say, what do I look like on camera, what if my camera or laptop just gives out.
In my experience as a small business owner, I decided to go live on Facebook and other social media platforms to show my audience that it can be done and there is no certain way that it has to be done.
Point is, there is no right way when it comes to going live on social media.  People think there is a formula or best practice to go live and make the perfect video but there isn’t.   People think if they can’t do it the “right” or “best” way, then they shouldn't do it at all.

Don’t let technology intimidate you

Understand this, going live on social media is a choice and it can be as easy as possible.  If the technology is intimidating, make it easy!  All you need is a web camera on your computer, not even fancy lighting or microphones and such. However, I would not suggest going live on your phone as it could provide distractions to you. Pro tip - the software that I like to use is when I go live. Don't let technology issues stop you from going forward. 

Just do it and go live!

You don't need the perfect background, perfect script or a huge audience waiting for you to go live.  It doesn't have to be a huge production.  Just go live and get your message out there for your audience.
Now, you can plan out in advance what content you want to cover but it’s not necessary. Pro tip - relaunch content that you’ve created or put out previously.  If you wrote blogs, for example, use that information in your live video.
Remember, the whole process of going live on social media to communicate with your current audience and grow your small business can be whatever you want it to be or look like. Just do it and go live!

Still undecided about going live?  

Don't make the mistake of neglecting this fantastic marketing tool.  Here's a look at why:  3 Ugly Truths About Marketing For Small Businesses 

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