Millions of people are listening to podcasts every single day - your potential customers are among those millions. Let's talk about making a podcast work for small businesses.

Podcasts offer a delivery-on-demand method that is mostly audio format. Podcasting is a great way to get your small business in front of many potential customers. Hopefully your audience is of the mind that tunes into podcasts in the first place!
Here are two ways for making a podcast work for small businesses.
Be a guest on a podcast
If you are a small business owner and your business has a national presence - for instance, you sell products online and your business has no regional/location boundaries - podcasting is an excellent way to get your voice and small business in front of the masses by being a guest on podcast shows.
Quick tip: Do your research and learn about the host of the podcast and their audience to see if it aligns with your small business brand. Podcast hosts are always looking for guests.
Start your own podcast
If your small business is local/regional, you can be the host of your own podcast. Having a podcast will help grow your name and increase SEO. So why does having a podcast matter for search and people finding you?
Easy. Create your podcast content on a regular basis, post it to your website as a blog post, and write a transcript so your audience is able to read and listen to your audio message.
The podcast content that is living on your website helps build your authority, builds your brand and also helps you get found in searches. Getting found via search engines is so important in helping grow your small business.
Along with posting to your website, you should also post on platforms like Google Play, Spotify, and SoundCloud. Posting your podcast on the various platforms increases the opportunity to get your small business found to wider audiences.
Still undecided about doing podcasts?
Don't make the mistake of neglecting this fantastic marketing tool. Here's a look at why: 3 Ugly Truths About Marketing For Small Businesses