Using Blogs and Articles as Marketing Tools for Your Small Business

Most of us think of blogs as a lifestyle-oriented, informational post about a certain topic scheduled on a regular basis. For instance, foodie or mom blogs. There are no set “standards” when it comes to topics or frequency of publishing. Let’s talk about using blogs and articles as marketing tools for your small business.

How can we use blogs and articles as marketing tools?

Every blog you write should be answering a question, not just serving to inform people of your product or service. We need to find out what people want to know. What topics are they searching for?

How do you find the questions that people need answered?

Pinterest and Google are search engines that allow you to see what pops up when you ask about a certain topic relevant to your business. What are the most popular topics being searched?
Ok, you’ve decided what you want to write about - let’s use the blogs as a marketing tool for your business.

Use your social media platforms to drive traffic to your blog post.

Don’t just leave the blog sitting on your website and expect people to find it. Share the content on your Pinterest, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook - and share over a period of time, not just one time.
Your content is doing multiple things for you - the content on your social media leads people to your website - then the content on your website is helping to sell your product or service AND the content is also sitting on your website available for search engines to share out.
This is the major benefit of writing articles as a marketing strategy!
Now if blogging doesn’t fit your industry standard, for instance a B2B business - you can write an article about a “how” topic to use as an informational resource on your website that answers people’s questions.
You can also share these articles on your social media platforms. You are writing content to answer the public’s questions about your business or the services you provide. The purpose is to aim the content to your audience so they become better informed when it’s time to make a decision on what products to buy or services to use.

Want to learn more about keeping your blogging content customer focused? 

We've got a couple of related articles you might want to check out: Why You Should Spend More Time Developing Your Small Business Brand  or  What's Holding You Back -  A Quick Look Into Your Business Brand

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