What to Blog About...as a Small Business

We're constantly looking for new ways to attract people to our small businesses. We want the latest tips and techniques for growing our audiences and expanding our reach. Well, the latest technique for growing our reach is an oldie, but a goodie - it's blogging. But what should we blog about as a small business?
Try to put away your thoughts about what blogging used to be like in the past.  Let's talk about blogging for 2021!  Blogging drives traffic - sending potential customers to your website to make a purchase of your product or service.

What to blog about as a small business

You want to attract new customers but what should you blog about?  You should be writing about topics that are important to your customer.  Think of topics that your customer cares about and would want to learn more.  You don't necessarily need to write about your specific small business or yourself, but you want to show your customer that you are an authority in your field and are sharing information relevant to them.

There are no “have-tos” when it comes to blogging

Alright, you thought about and researched several ideas you want to share on your website but how long should they be, how many words, how many blogs??  It's 2021...there are no "have-tos"!  You can write 500 words, you can write 20,000 words, it's up to you.  The length of the blog or number of the blogs do not matter. What matters is that you create the content, put it on your website and begin driving traffic there.
Suggestion! If you despise writing or don't have the time, you can draft an idea and hire a service, like Fiverr, to edit the blogs for you.

Share your blog with your audience

You have your blogs ready to go - next you should share them on your social media profiles.  You can create an image or a snippet from your blog and add a link to the specific blog post on your website.  By sharing this information on your social media posts, you will send people to the website
Now, if you prefer to do recorded videos or podcasts for your marketing content, you can still turn that into a blog post.  You can embed a snippet of your video or audio into your blog post on your website.
Blogs can still be impactful in 2021 - let's just get rid of our old thoughts and rules about blogging and adopt these new, fresh ideas and get the results you want to see from your digital marketing efforts for your small business.

Want to learn more about keeping your blogging content customer focused? 

We've got a couple of related articles you might want to check out: Why You Should Spend More Time Developing Your Small Business Brand  or  What's Holding You Back -  A Quick Look Into Your Business Brand

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